Nepal Orthopaedic Association.

It has been more than twenty-five glorious years for the Nepal Orthopaedics Association (NOA) to institutionalize the Orthopaedic services in Nepal.

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OrthoCon2025 Certificates

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Noa Election Executive Committee 2025 -2027 Result

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About Us

It has now been twenty-five glorious years for Nepal Orthopedic Association (NOA) to institutionalize the Orthopaedic services in Nepal. Orthopedic services started in Nepal in the seventies, but it was only in 1995 that NOA was officially registered in the government and organized its first annual conference that year. That was the time when there were less than twenty orthopedic surgeons in the country, the number which has now splendidly increased to more than four hundred, and every year 30 – 40 young and energetic orthopedic surgeons are joining from within the country and abroad. During these 25 years, we have grown not only in numbers, but our service has extended to different parts of the country.

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Dr. Bimal Kumar Pandey

Dr. Bimal Kumar Pandey

Prof. Dr. Amit Joshi

Prof. Dr. Arjun Lamichhane

Immediate Past President
Prof. Dr. Amit Joshi

Prof. Dr. Amit Joshi

President Elect
Dr. Dipak Kumar Dutta

Dr. Dipak Kumar Dutta

Senior Vice President
Dr. Janith Lal Singh

Dr. Janith Lal Singh

Vice President
Dr. Nagmani Singh

Dr. Nagmani Singh

General Secretary
Dr. Ram Krishna Dahal

Dr. Ram Krishna Dahal

Dr. Kiran Gurung

Dr. Kiran Gurung

Joint Secretary
Dr. Sagar Panthi

Dr. Sagar Panthi

Joint Treasurer
Dr. Nabin Poudel

Dr. Nabin Poudel

Dr. Anil Regmi

Dr. Anil Regmi

Dr. Arjun Prasad Dumre

Dr. Arjun Prasad Dumre



Business Hours
Just in case you don’t hear about us, our business hours are weekdays 10:00 – 17:00. Thanks for understanding.

Contact Info

Arjun Chand
NMA Building, Siddhi Sadan,
Exihibition Road, Kathmandu,
GPO BOX.: 20779
Tel. No.: +977-01-4225860, +977-01-4231646
Fax No.: +977-1-14225300
Email.: ortho@noa.org.np

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